Thursday, February 14, 2008

so ...... Valentine's Day. Not a fan of it this year.  I have been doing pretty ok... honest!!! Still need to catch up on housework, badly; but getting more sleep and feeling better in general.  Just this damn Valentine's day cannot help but remind me of what I have lost and what I do not have and what I want and what I need. I know all of these are not the same thing (or person). I really miss feeling loved and wanted and needed.
No communication with A in about a week. I am sure she's getting ready to move. I know her youth and immaturity played a huge role in all this. I hope she gets what she needs out of her jaunt to LA. . I wish her well. I miss the physical closeness (not just sex) more than anything. Mentally and emotionally dealing with her wore me out towards the end. She can push my buttons like no one else and we are both so hyper-sensitive to one another, it's terrible at times.

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